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Supporting Patio Containers of Coleus

Wed, Jan 26th, 2022, created by W. Garrett Owen

Coleus is a great foliage crop with vibrant leaf colors and varying leaf morphologies. Large patio containers of coleus can provide a dramatic impact for consumers; however, they can be challenging to produce because large coleus plants often split. Growers can use green or white netting or tomato cages to support large coleus plants and keep them from splitting during production, shipping, and handling. Netting should be applied early in the crop cycle so that the plant has time to grow through and cover. Other than coleus, I’ve also seen netting, tomato cages, pot rings and chicken or rabbit fencing to support fall garden mums, poinsettias, dinnerplate dahlias, and upright topiaries of begonia, fuchsia, geranium, lantana, and petunia crops. Overall, if you grow large containers of coleus and challenged by splitting plants, consider providing a little support.

About the Author:

W. Garrett Owen

Assistant Professor of Sustainable Greenhouse and Nursery Systems, The Ohio State University

W. Garrett Owen is an Assistant Professor of Sustainable Greenhouse and Nursery Systems in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science at The Ohio State University. He has an appointment in research, teaching and Extension. His area of expertise is plant nutrition; plant growth regulation; and production problem diagnostics.

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