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Avoiding Primula Pitfalls: A Grower’s Guide to pH & EC Management

Thu, Feb 6th, 2025, created by W. Garrett Owen
Primula or Primrose (Primula acaulis and P. vulgaris) is a popular crop grown for the Valentine's Day market and early spring sales...

Pest Prevention Starts at Delivery

Wed, Jan 29th, 2025, created by W. Garrett Owen
Inspecting incoming plant material is a crucial step in maintaining a healthy greenhouse environment and preventing pest infestations in floriculture production...

Stealthy Mites in Poinsettias

Thu, Nov 7th, 2024, created by Dan Gilrein
Lewis mite is back with a few reports in poinsettias this fall.  These small spider mites generally feed on leaf undersides causing a faint stippling easily overlooked as a nutrition issue or normal color break as bracts start...

Focusing on Employee Needs to Address Labor Challenges

Fri, Oct 11th, 2024, created by Alicia L. Rihn
Labor has always been a hot topic in horticulture. In recent years, labor scarcity has become an increasing concern among green industry firms...

They Just Adore a Penthouse View

Thu, Sep 5th, 2024, created by Dan Gilrein
‘If you plant it, they will come’ is fine when attracting the right crowd - butterflies, birds or the bees...

Blooming Success!

Thu, Aug 15th, 2024, created by Brian Whipker
Planting a seed and watching a plant grow and bloom is much like watching your kids grow up...

Time to Water Test?

Tue, Aug 6th, 2024, created by Brian Whipker
With summer comes dryer conditions and the water table level can fluctuate...

Controlling Growth of Ornamental Millet

Fri, Jun 28th, 2024, created by W. Garrett Owen
Plant growth regulators (PGRs) are valuable tools utilized by greenhouse growers. Whether it is for promoting or controlling growth, PGRs give growers the opportunity to produce high quality crops in the face of their production or shipping challenges...

Getting Fall Garden Mum Propagation Right

Wed, Jun 5th, 2024, created by W. Garrett Owen
Getting Ready for Propagation Season Summer is in full swing, and greenhouse growers across the country are receiving their garden mum cuttings for fall production...

Plant Benefit Information for Marketing Herbs, Fruit and Vegetable Plants

Thu, May 16th, 2024, created by Alicia L. Rihn
Customers receive many benefits from interacting with plants and nature. Many of these benefits have been recognized by the scientific community and plants are used to alleviate stress and improve healing (e...

Managing Magnesium Deficiency in Spring Bedding Plants

Thu, May 9th, 2024, created by W. Garrett Owen
Magnesium (Mg) is an essential macronutrient and is integral to photosynthesis and the chlorophyll molecule...

Why controlling weeds is so difficult?

Mon, Apr 29th, 2024, created by Debalina Saha
Why controlling weeds is so difficult? Weeds are undesirable plants in a particular situation or in other words "A plant in the wrong place” and it can interfere with human activities...

Fly Gardening

Thu, Apr 25th, 2024, created by Dan Gilrein
What do chocolate, trillium, and pawpaws all have in common? It’s obvious to entomologists: their flowers are all pollinated by flies!  Flies are second overall to bees as pollinators and some plants depend exclusively on them as partners...

Resource Spotlight: Produce Safety in Hydroponic and Aquaponic Operations

Mon, Apr 15th, 2024, created by Beth Scheckelhoff
Have you been looking for a grower-friendly guide to better understand and incorporate produce safety practices in your operation? Look no further! The Northeast Center to Advance Food Safety recently released an online resource guide covering produce safety topics for hydroponic and aquaponic growers...

Flashy Tags Demonstrate Benefits

Thu, Apr 11th, 2024, created by Heidi Linberg
The point-of-purchase tags have gotten larger and more attractive in recent years. Dr. Bridget Behe, Professor Emeritus of Horticultural Marketing, always said that consumers "don't buy features, they purchase benefits...

Using Origin Information on Ornamental Plants

Thu, Apr 4th, 2024, created by Alicia L. Rihn
Demand for local products has increased since the Great Recession with a heavy focus on fresh produce (fruits, vegetables)...

Participate in the National Green Industry Survey Today!

Thu, Apr 4th, 2024, created by Beth Scheckelhoff
You are invited to participate in the National Green Industry Survey, a study conducted every five years to help gauge green industry trends, production practices, and marketing and retail trends...

Pick Up the Pot

Thu, Mar 28th, 2024, created by Brian Whipker
More and more growers are utilizing wood-based substrates for production...

Resource Spotlight: 2024-2025 New York and New England Management Guidelines for Greenhouse Floriculture and Herbaceous Ornamentals

Wed, Mar 13th, 2024, created by Beth Scheckelhoff
One of the most used resources for pest management across the floriculture industry has a new face this year!  The former New England Floriculture Guide has joined forces with Cornell University to become a jointly-authored publication, the 2024-2025 New York and New England Management Guidelines for Greenhouse Floriculture and Herbaceous Ornamentals...

Lower Leaf Yellowing and Purpling in Spring Pansies

Wed, Mar 6th, 2024, created by W. Garrett Owen
Over the past few weeks, the Midwest has experienced many cool and rainy days. These conditions create an opportunity for lower leaf reddish purpling to manifest in early spring crops such as pansy (Viola × wittrockiana)...

Disease Control Products for Herb Bedding Plant Production

Thu, Feb 22nd, 2024, created by Jean Williams-Woodward
When choosing products to control plant diseases in greenhouse production, the active ingredient and brand name is an important consideration...

2024 State of the Green Industry Survey

Tue, Feb 20th, 2024, created by Alicia L. Rihn
Dear e-GRO reader: You are invited by the Green Industry Research Consortium, a group of University-based horticulturists and agricultural economists, to participate in our industry survey...

Becoming a Greenhouse Guru: Eight Tips for a New Grower

Wed, Feb 14th, 2024, created by Heidi Linberg
Recently, a group of experienced Michigan greenhouse growers gathered to share their experiences and create lists on how to prepare for the spring growing season...

Upcoming Webinar on Employee Safety and New CE Crop Insurance

Wed, Feb 14th, 2024, created by Heidi Linberg
The Floriculture Team at Michigan State University Extension will be offering a virtual Greenhouse Risk Management Webinar for greenhouse and nursery growers...

Transplanting Tips

Thu, Feb 8th, 2024, created by W. Garrett Owen
The time has come to plan or begin transplanting plugs (seedlings) and liners (rooted cuttings) for spring production...